In the Garden of Eden, Genesis 2:25 tells "And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed". (NASB) Without sin there was no need for shame of any kind. Everything God made was good and beautiful, including the human form. Genesis 3 though goes on to tell us how Adam and Eve sinned by eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The first recorded effect of their sin is recorded in verse 7. "Then the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings." Genesis 3:7 (NASB)
Now, if modesty's goal is to keep men from lust there would have been no need for modesty between Adam and Eve. Men are allowed to desire and behold their wives physical bodies, so there was no shame in the fact that Eve was naked before him. Despite this, God gave Adam and Eve clothes to cover their shame. Why, then, were they ashamed?
This is, I believe, where we are to find the main reason for modesty. Adam and Eve were corrupted in their very nature when they ate of the tree; their very essence was now sinful. They required covering for their souls which was provided by Christ's blood many thousands of years later, but the physical expression of their nature, their sexuality, had to be covered by clothing. This means that even if there was no danger of any man every having lustful thoughts we as women would still have a responsibility to dress and behave modestly.
This is also why it is so important to dress femininely as well as modestly. We still need to express the nature that has been given us by the Father, while concealing the shame invoked by the fall.
In conclusion then, we as women have a responsibility to dress modestly because of the shame of our sinful natures. The covering of our bodies is a picture of Christ's blood covering our sin and should not be lightly thrown aside. It brings God glory when we accept the covering he has given us and live in light of his mercy. I do believe that when women dress modestly, it helps keep men from sin. I would also encourage us all to keep our focus where it should be, on Christ and his purpose for our lives.