My blog has been nonexistent for the last several months but I think I am ready to revive it. Ideas for posts are brimming in my brain and I feel the urge to write again. It will probably be a slow process getting them all down but I would love for you all to comment and keep the discussions going on the posts. What I will be posting are my thoughts on issues and I would love to hear your perspective on things.
For this post I am just going to give an update on life and where I am now. On December 13th of this year I married Parker Koons. He is a wonderful, godly man and I am so happy to be his wife! Our journey together has been shorter than some (we dated only six months), but God has blessed it through all the ups and downs, mistakes and victories. I am so excited to see where God is going to take our marriage! It is going to be a wild ride of adventure with so much to learn, but our pray is that God would use us greatly to impact the culture around us for him. With that as our goal it should never be boring!
We are currently residing in a small college town in the Midwest. He will be continuing his education seeking a pastoral degree and we will be working towards me being able to come home to work. Hopefully I will be able to get him to contribute to this blog as well. :)
There will be another post soon, probably over the weekend. I hope that you all had a merry Christmas and that God will bless your new year as you seek his face and long to know him better. Thanks for stopping by!