Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Odds and Ends

Our first really good harvest from out strawberries.
They taste so good! Maybe next year we will have
enough to preserve some.
  Life is busy and so good! The Lord is so faithful and kind to His children. The verse that has been coming to mind recently is " He sendeth rain on the just and the unjust" because of the rain we have been getting so late in the season, for California. The garden is growing and the the cow is keeping us busy with the milk she is providing. So far we have made butter, cottage cheese and Caso Blanco.
    Right now we are preparing for Mom, Shauna, and Kendra to leave for Missouri for a friends wedding. They will be gone for two week, and since Raylene will be working most of those days, we will see how prepared I am to run a house. :)

I took these a while ago but couldn't resist posting them

Playing outside when the weather first got warm.
The first batch of butter I tried. It is still turning out a little to soft.

There will be more coming as I try to remember to take more pictures. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you have a blog! How fun! I will be reading it for sure. :)
