Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lessons in Missouri

    Well it is late but I thought I would post something so that my blog is not completely dead. :) I am busy and right now working on time management so that I can get done what needs to be done and not waste any of what God has given me. There are so many things that I am learning in my new home. Hopefully when I get to my California home (on December 14th!) I will be able to go more in depth but for right now an overview will have to do.
    First of all, the Lord is sufficient. He can and will fulfill the deepest longings of you heart in ways that are truly amazing. Being from home for the first time and not really having anyone to depend on at first, I had to learn that He is all I need. He is such a gracious God. He has guided me and shown me his love in ways to numerous to count. Everything, big or little, is under his control and he cares! There is nothing too small for his notice.
    Secondly, I am learning respect for authority. I am naturally very independently minded and the Lord is using both living with my Grandma and going to school to teach me a humble my spirit and to give up my own way. Even when there is nothing wrong with what I want to do, I need to always consider those around me and what would be most honoring to them. Sometimes it is so hard to submit myself to those in charge but I pray that God would use this time to refine me in that way and cultivate in me a Christ-like humility.
    Lastly, and less seriously, I am learning the ways of the mid-west. Words such as folk, supper, and ya"ll are slowly creeping in to my vocabulary as well as saying yes ma'am and no sir. I have mixed feelings about the expanded vocab. Sir and ma'am are alright but I don't really like "folk". A month in Cali should fix that though. ;)
    May the God of peace be with you all as you travel the path laid out for you! And just for Dad, I felt "Christmassy" for the first time today. :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha yes, words do creep up on you. ;) But it's a good thing you're coming back to Cali, you'll definitely start talking like us here. :)
